background cover of music playing
Manavaalan Thug - From "Thallumaala" - Dabzee

Manavaalan Thug - From "Thallumaala"




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Ellaarum Chollanathallivan

Kajookkulloru kaaryakkaran

Monjaane lanki marinjoru

Maanathambili poloru maaran

Kadalaane neenthi kayariya

Porishayulloru vaalyakaaran

Nenjaane, lanjikonjana

Kannanjunnoru chenjodi maaran

Sugundayimoru seriyundu

Kaathilum kadukkanum verendu

Adabinu ullupporu lesandu

Kaliyaane kajjilu verendu

Maniyara thurakkana chiriyindu

Chiriyilu chelu pothinjeendu

Arimullakanakkinu kathayindu

Kathyaane parayaan erendu

Who came with a lot of gold

Remember when you wanted this

Naivety was all you owned

A stoner got in your way

You were like, man like what you on!

Now you're like, talk about the drugs?

I gave your dad a dose

They be destroying these women

Left, right and centre

Maybe this time it'll be fighting

Curtains all just went up, babies without names

Father or family roots, harder t gets for them

Average is set for them, high!

You keep walking back as i cover you

Had to come back from behind and say

You're cowardly, how are you?

Coming back from all the mess

Like you know nothing ain't fond of you

Where did you get all the, colors and nikes

Who powered you?

To products all around, but

Poverty in real, tap it even show

Make it look like monetary deals

Daffodil is the killer you said

You did put them in the vase you murderer

Seems like you lost the people

Who you could have called the furtherer

Now you go door to door!

Sugundayimoru seriyundu

Kaathilum kadukkanum verendu

Adabinu ulluppor lesandu

Kaliyaane kajjilu veerendu

Maniyara thurakkana chiriyindu

Chiriyilu chelu pothinjeendu

Arimullakanakkinu kathayindu

Kathyaanel parayaan erendu

Ellaarum chollanathallivan

Kajookkulloru kaaryakkaran

Monjaane lanki marinjoru

Maanathambili poloru maaran

Kadalaane neenthi kayariya

Porishayulloru vaalyakaaran

Nenjaane, lanjikonjana

Kannanjunnoru chenjodi maaran

Sugundayimoru seriyundu

Kaathilum kadukkanum verendu

Adabinu ullupporu lesandu

Kaliyaane kajjilu verendu

Maniyara thurakkana chiriyindu

Chiriyilu chelu pothinjeendu

Arimullakanakkinu kathayindu

Kathyaanel parayaan erendu

- It's already the end -